Our objects as part of the daily life of your customers and collaborators.

At Lo Esencial we have developed a specific expertise in iconic corporate gifts, meeting custom needs. We can customize any piece of our catalog with the logo of your company or project for your clients or collaborators, generating functional and distinctive objects that move away from the generic and position your brand in premium objects that will be used on a daily basis.

Our corporate gift program can be ordered in quantities of 10 pieces or more, with preferential prices. If you would like our objects to be a part of your project just write to us.

Some ideas of objects that we can customize for your project. You can see our entire catalog here.


Collaborations and strategic alliances

At Lo Esencial we enjoy collaborating with projects through personalized objects and customized developments, contributing from our methodologies and design processes, to our materials and production techniques, developing from personalized corporate gifts to entire special collections. 


Customized developments.

We also develop special projects, according to the needs that each client may have. In each project we use our own design methods, as well as the use of our high-end materials, achieving unique products in all aspects.

If you would like us to collaborate, just write to us:




Some of the projects we have collaborated with: